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Vote for this month’s CYP Book Club book.

Safe-distancing monthly meetups with the option to join via video conferencing.


The Gift of Rest

When Al Gore chose him as his running mate in the 2000 presidential election, Senator Lieberman became the first Jewish candidate on a major national party ticket.

In these pages you’ll find wonderful stories of the senator’s spiritual journey, as well as special Shabbat experiences with political colleagues such as Bill Clinton, Al and Tipper Gore, John McCain, Colin Powell, George W. Bush, Bob Dole, and others. Senator Joe Lieberman shows how his observance of the Shabbat has not only enriched his personal and spiritual life but enhanced his career and enabled him to serve his country to his greatest capacity.


Positivity Bias

Through a mix of nature, nurture, social conditioning and free will, we each possess a personalized lens that frames, forms, clouds and distorts the way we see ourselves and the world around us. In order to live in the most meaningful and effective way possible, each of us needs to continually assess and adjust the default frames we have developed.

In Positivity Bias, we learn that life is essentially good; that positive perception is applicable and accessible to all; that it derives from objective, rational insight, not subjective, wishful imagination, and that positive living is a matter of choice, not circumstance.

Vote Here.